Upper East Side, Manhattan.
Toy robots march to nowhere in Master/Slave, part of the Diller + Scofidio show at the Whitney, which was good, but not as good as Listening Post downstairs, which is only there until Sunday. (You can read a New Yorker thing about it. Where can I buy one of these?)
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A friend just launched CivilCity.org, which offers "a productive way to confront rude people without creating further conflict." From the launch announcement:The project is based on an innovative combination of interactive, Web-based technology and a paper-based marketing technique: A friendly looking business card which reads, "You are behaving badly. For more information, go to www.civilcity.org. Respect is contagious -- Pass it on." When someone receives a CivilCity Card and goes to the Web site, they discover basic etiquette suggestions on subjects like cell phone usage, cleanliness, driving, and any number of other social peeves. A trial run has shown that people generally receive the cards with an interesting mix of confusion followed by sheepish, polite acknowledgment.
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Know anyone who might be interested in sharing a big two-bedroom apartment in Park Slope for three months starting April 1? E-mail me.