
Chelsea, Manhattan. Times Square,

Chelsea, Manhattan.

Times Square, Manhattan.

Upper East Side, Manhattan.

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A short item I wrote for the business section of today's NYT: The Man Who Would Buy Everything, Everywhere. It's about an elaborate plan by Rob Cockerham, creator of the excellent Cockeyed.com, to foil his grocery store's efforts to track his shopping habits. See also Rob's writeup.

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Alex, a former Prospect Heights resident now living in Chicago, wrote to say that he was saddened by my recent post about the demise of the non-real estate office:

I liked passing by that window. I even appropriated it once as part of a logo for a theater company that never got off the ground. It's funny that a person picks up on little visual signposts like that and kind of internalizes them....

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I said a while back that I wished there was a Ziboy in Baghdad. Raed Salam is there. Let's hope he takes more pictures.